

Dan Smoke, Mary Lou Smoke, and Jessica Smith discuss a variety of recent Indigenous events that have occurred recently across the country. Dan also explains the significance of the Condolence Ceremony to listeners.


Dan Smoke, Mary Lou Smoke






Smoke Signals Radio Show
CHRW Radio Western
Western University
London, Ontario

Collection Items

2000-05-06  Segment 1
Dan Smoke shares details about two recent events he attended with Mary Lou Smoke. First, the pair attended the March Against Racism held by Chief Larry Johnson and the Caldwell First Nations. The pair also attended the National Assembly of the…

2000-05-06  Segment 2
Mary Lou Smoke and guest Jessica Smith read a series of press releases surrounding the Daishowa v. Friends of the Lubicon court ruling. Daishowa, a paper products manufacturer, was prepared to appeal a landmark 1998 Ontario Court decision ruling that…

2000-05-06  Segment 3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke present listeners with an overview of current news events taking place across the country.

2000-05-06  Segment 4
Mary Lou Smoke and Jessica Smith share events taking place in the London, Ontario community with listeners.

2000-05-06  Segment 5
Dan Smoke tells listeners about the first Condolence Ceremony taking place at the Mohawk Nation Longhouse, a sacred ceremony that has not taken place since the 1970s. The ceremony raises and elevates Chiefs, Clan Mothers and Faith Keepers of a…
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