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1998-09-05 Segment 2.mp3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke present a review of the film “Smoke Signals”, signaling the importance of this film being the first major film created about Indigenous peoples, by Indigenous peoples. Mary Lou teaches listeners about the artists featured on…

1998-09-05 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke introduces the next musical break in the episode.

1997-02-07 Segment 7.mp3
Dan Smoke introduces the final musical act of the episode.

1997-02-07 Segment 6.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke and guest Jessica Smith share upcoming events in the London, Ontario area with listeners.

1997-02-07 Segment 5.mp3
Dan Smoke recaps a talk given by Patricia Monture-Okanee about the Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peoples.
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