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This is the 1st Edition, 19th Printing

Players: 3-6
Playing time: 1 hour
Ages: 10 and up

Game Objective:
Munchkin captures the dungeon experience... with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. All you have to do is kill monsters and grab…

Munchkin Cthulhu

Front cover of Munchkin Cthulhu
This is a 1st Edition, 4th printing

Players: 3-6
Playing Time: 1 hour
Ages: 10 and up

Game Objective:
The stars are right... and the Munchkins are kicking down the doors in places where Man Was Not Meant To Go. They're Investigators,…

Cthulhu Dice

Cthulhu dice cover
Version 1.0

Players: 2+
Playing time: 5-10 minutes
Ages: 10 and up

Game Objective:
A custom 12 sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Roll the die to destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out -…

Zombie Dice

Zombie Dice Contents
Version 1.0

Players: 2+
Playing time: 10-20 minutes
Age: 10 and up

Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned.

You are a zombie. You want braaains. More brains than any of your zombie buddies.

Zombie Dice is fun for any zombie fan…


5th edition

Players: 3-4 players

Playing Time: 60 minutes+

Age: 10+

Description: "The island of Catan lies before you. The isle consists of 19 terrain tiles surrounded by ocean. Your goal is to settle on Catan, and expand your territory…

Knightmare Chess2

Knightmare chess2 cover
This is an English 1st Edition

Players: 2
Playing time: 60 minutes
Age: 10 and up

Game objective:
This is chess... with a difference! The goal remains the same: to checkmate the enemy King. But the moves may be a bit unusual...
