Browse Items (1 total) Tags: Venetian Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Summa de Casibus Conscientiae (On the Fallings of the Highest Conscience), single sheet [original] Early Venetian printing ; hand-written and hand-coloured initials ; hand-written page number Slip enclosed reads: "PAGEANT BOOK and PRINT SHOP / 109 EAST 9th STREET / NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 / ORegon 4-5296 / BARTHOLOMASE DE SANCTO CONCORDIO / Summa… Tags: 15th century, Bartholomew of San Concordio, Nicolaus de Novix, paper, rubrication, Summa de Casibus Conscientiae, Venetian, Venice Featured Item textures of your pandemic experience A collaborative zine made about the FIMS community experience with the COVID19 pandemic.