Browse Items (174 total)

1997-02-07 Segment 3.mp3
Dan Smoke reads a release from the Chiefs of Ontario Office in Toronto, letting listeners know that the First Nations International Court of Justice has postponed their second sitting. Composed of Indigenous judges from North America, Australia, and…

1997-02-07 Segment 4.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke shares a traditional teaching from Chief Seattle of the Squamish Nation. After, Dan and Mary Lou celebrate the 1997 winners of the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards. Dan Smoke also introduces the feature for this episode, a…

1997-02-07 Segment 5.mp3
Dan Smoke recaps a talk given by Patricia Monture-Okanee about the Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peoples.

1997-02-07 Segment 6.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke and guest Jessica Smith share upcoming events in the London, Ontario area with listeners.

1997-02-07 Segment 7.mp3
Dan Smoke introduces the final musical act of the episode.

1998-09-05 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke introduces the next musical break in the episode.

1998-09-05 Segment 2.mp3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke present a review of the film “Smoke Signals”, signaling the importance of this film being the first major film created about Indigenous peoples, by Indigenous peoples. Mary Lou teaches listeners about the artists featured on…

1998-09-05 Segment 3.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke reads a press release from the Coalition for the Inquiry into the Death of Dudley George. Three years after he was fatally shot, the Coalition has still not been granted a full and impartial public inquiry. Dan and Mary Lou Smoke tell…

1998-09-05 Segment 4.mp3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke tell listeners about events coming up in the London, Ontario community.

1998-09-05 Segment 5.mp3
Dan Smoke discusses the meaning of the Thanksgiving Address, which gives thanks for everything that has been put on the Earth by the Creator for people to live in harmony. Dan Smoke also discusses the importance of listening to the sacred…
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