Browse Items (2 total) Tags: exposed sewing Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added The Works of the English Poets [original] Binding: fair to good ; paper covered boards ; some spotting ; bumped corners ; some wear on edges ; front cover loose Spine: poor ; covered removed ; exposed sewing Textblock: good to very good Contents: The Poems of Edmund Smith ; The… Tags: 18th century, Edmund Smith, English, English poetry, exposed sewing, paper binding, poetry, Richard Duke, Samuel Johnson, William King Traitte Des Bibliotheques [original] Binding: poor ; boards are covered in marbled paper ; bumped corners ; wear along edges and on front of boards Spine: poor ; spine covering has been removed ; sewing structure with sewing tapes exposed Textblock: good ; some discolouration and… Tags: exposed sewing, French, marbled paper, paper bound book, sewing tapes, speckled foreedges Featured Item textures of your pandemic experience A collaborative zine made about the FIMS community experience with the COVID19 pandemic.