Browse Items (115 total)

  • Collection: Peter Desbarats's Collection

Marxism Stops Short of Poland's Farms

Montreal, Quebec

"An location piece from Poland. Poland’s farmers were operating outside of the realm of traditional Soviet policy of communally owned farms. Many were still privately owned. The piece is anti-communist in tone and highlights the…

Around the Town on 20 Cents-Lazy Historians' Way

Montreal, Quebec

Desbarats outlines a hypotheitcal, self-guided, tour on Montreal which he dubs the “20 cent tour.” He is somewhat sarcastic and comical in his design of the tour. It focuses on historical locations and building, many of which are…

The Big Circus in the St. Lawrence: Canada's First World's Fair

Desbarats evaluates the pros and cons of the fair from both a fiscal and political standpoint. The article is incomplete (2 of 4 pages).

West Germany - A Smell of Power All Over

Montreal, Quebec

An article on the increasing economic and social prosperity of West Germany. The article suggests that the total realization of West Germany’s success is attached to its desired reunification with East Germany.

Berlin Wall Big Tourist Attraction

Montreal, Quebec

Discusses the tourist attraction of the Berlin Wall and the fascination of creating a dichotomous interpretation of East and West. He interviews and ex-East German reporter who points out that East Germany has done quite well…

Divison of Germany - An Unhealed Wound

Montreal, Quebec

On location from Germany. Outlines some of the pain felt and difficulties of reuniting East and West Germany.

Germany Battles Its Traffic

Montreal, Quebec

Investigates how a steady increase in traffic within Munich is being handled by the police force’s special “traffic squad.”Closed circuit cameras were used to monitor and control traffic issues and conditions. West Germany had…

Beatles Provide Hardest Day's Night: 'I Love You, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah'

Montreal, Quebec

Desbarats recounts his experience attending a Beatles concert at the Forum in Montreal, which was overwhelming and unpleasant in his opinion. The article is written as a series of updates at times throughout the afternoon and…

One Is Hardly Ever Alone In Crowded Japan

Montreal, Quebec

In part one of a six part co-series with cartonist Ed McNally Desbarats reports on his experience of spending three weeks in Japan. He briefly discusses economic relations between Canada and Japan. He found that Canadians…

Sun Goddess More Approachable Than Geisha Girls

Montreal, Quebec

Part two of a six part co-series with cartoonist Ed McNally about his three week stay in Japan. Desbarats draws a contrast between temples in Japan and churches in Canada. They are much more informal than churches. He also…