Browse Items (174 total)

1999-04-17 Segment 6.mp3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke tell listeners about current events happening in and around the London area.

1999-10-16 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke teaches listeners about border crossing events, an event where Indigenous peoples exercise their right to free access and to carry goods across the Canada/US border as stated in the Jay Treaty of 1760. Dan then uses the Jay Treaty as an…

1999-10-16 Segment 2.mp3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke give listeners updates of upcoming events in the London, Ontario community.

2000-05-06 Segment 2.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke and guest Jessica Smith read a series of press releases surrounding the Daishowa v. Friends of the Lubicon court ruling. Daishowa, a paper products manufacturer, was prepared to appeal a landmark 1998 Ontario Court decision ruling that…

2000-05-06 Segment 3.mp3
Dan and Mary Lou Smoke present listeners with an overview of current news events taking place across the country.

2000-05-06 Segment 4.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke and Jessica Smith share events taking place in the London, Ontario community with listeners.

2000-05-06 Segment 5.mp3
Dan Smoke tells listeners about the first Condolence Ceremony taking place at the Mohawk Nation Longhouse, a sacred ceremony that has not taken place since the 1970s. The ceremony raises and elevates Chiefs, Clan Mothers and Faith Keepers of a…

2001-04-28 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke educates listeners about the significance of his spirit name, given to him at the Onondaga Longhouse on the Six Nations reserve. Dan explains that there is a lot of pride in having a name that ties one to their relatives, to nature, and to…

2001-04-28 Segment 2.mp3
Dan Smoke presents listeners with an update on the fishing treaties being negotiated between 34 Indigenous communities on the east coast and the federal government. Dan also discusses the second annual March Against Racism held by the Caldwell First…
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