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- Tags: Ongweoweh
1994-04-09 Segment 1
Tags: Anishinaabe, Apache First Nations, Bear Clan, Bellinger Brown, Cayuga, Chief Del Riley, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Council of Three Fires, Darryl Stonefish, Dean George, Delaware Nation Singers, Father Sky, First Nations Services Department, First Nations Student Association and Friendship Society, Great Law of Peace, Great Law of Teachings, Haudenosaunee, host drum, invited drum, Iroquois, Iroquois Confederacy, Killdeer Clan, long house, Manitoulin Island, Marcia Simon, Medicine Bear, Mohawk, Moraviantown, Native Students’ Association, Odawa, Ojibwe, Onedia Nation of the Thames, Oneida, Ongweoweh, Onondaga, Onyota’a:ka Traditional Women’s Singers, Peter Kohl, Potawatomi, powwow, Seneca, Seneca Nation, Six Nations, Thunder Moon, tobacco, Turtle Island, Tuscarora, University of Western Ontario, Vivian Peters, Walpole Island, White Eye Singers