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1993-01-02 Segment 6.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke recites an elder’s teaching, a story originally told by the Chelan Indians about the creation of the animal persons and human beings. After, Dan Smoke tells listeners about recent events that occurred across the country.

1993-01-02 Segment 4.mp3
Guest speaker Harold Kohler reads an announcement from Andrew Bigsmoke about Protectors of Earth Day. After, Dan Smoke introduces the next segment, a review of the film “The Last of the Mohicans.”

1993-01-02 Segment 2.mp3
Dan Smoke introduces a listening of Episode 13 of the Spirits of the Present series hosted by Tantoo Cardinal. This episode details the global fascination with Indigenous groups, including the use of Indigenous mascots for non-Indigenous sports…

1993-01-02 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke recalls the Smokes’ recent travels visiting the Onondaga Nation and Oneida Nation in Syracuse, New York. Dan Smoke also recalls attending the recital of the Great Law of Peace at the Six Nations Reserve.

1992-12-19 Segment 3.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke shares community announcements. Dan Smoke introduces a teaching from Bear Shaganash of the Walpole Island First Nations.

1992-12-19 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke discusses the gathering of the United Nations General Assembly on December 10th and two Indigenous leaders who were there to speak; Thomas Banyacya of the Hopi Nation and Oren Lyons of the Onondaga Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy. Dan…

1992-05-09 Segment 3.mp3
Dan Smoke says nya:weh (thank you) to Howard Elijah for sharing healing, nurturing words and introduces Chief Al Day for next week.
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