Browse Items (521 total)
Miniature Leather-Covered Bible [original]
Spine: good to very good ; brown leather ; gilded title ("BIBLE") ; gold tooling (rubbed off) ; very light wear
Textblock: fair to good ; some…
Tags: Bible, English, gold tooling, leather, miniature binding, woodcut prints
Microscope: A Fractal Role-Playing Game of Epic Histories
Introduction: What is Microscope?
Humanity spreads to the stars and forges a galactic civilization…
Fledgling nations arise from the ruins of the empire…
An ancient line of dragon-kings dies out as magic fades…
Mice and Mystics
Playing time: 60-90 minutes
Age: 7 +
Introduction: Mice & Mystics is a cooperative adventure games in which the players work together to save an imperilled kingdom. They will face adversaries such as rats, cockroaches, and spiders,…
Tags: 1-4 players, 60-90 mins, 7+, Adventures, Board game, Cheese, Co-operative, Games, Kingdom, large, Mice
Medieval Text, single sheet [original]
Tags: marginalia, medieval, parchment paper, rubrication, vellum
Medicine Walk
Master Plan: A Game of Traps & Prizes
Playing time: 30 minutes
Description: Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a round of applause for our newest batch of contestants! Master Plan is a Game Show for Supervillains! Each player plays cards to further his own schemes while…
Tags: 3-6 players, 30 mins, Cards, Games, small, Supervillians
Marxism Stops Short of Poland's Farms
"An location piece from Poland. Poland’s farmers were operating outside of the realm of traditional Soviet policy of communally owned farms. Many were still privately owned. The piece is anti-communist in tone and highlights the…
Tags: Agriculture, Communism, Farming, Poland
Manitoba's New Medicare Plan: Doctors on Salary
Discusses the debate over the rising costs of health care and a desire to transition hospitals to community health centres. Pressure was increasing to have a board of governors manage doctors within these organizations and that…
Tags: Doctors, Health care, Medical Funding, Medicine, Salary
Manitoba Drivers have Written a Black Record
Safe Driving Week campaign. Targeting dangerous driving and traffic accidents. Sensationalized. Actor portrayals in several images. Long, comprehensive
Tags: Accidents, Driving, Motor Vehicles, Prevention, Public Campaigns
Make Way for Ducklings
Featured Item
7 Wonders

Players: 2-7
Playing time: 30 minutes
Ages: 10+
Description: Lead one of the seven great cities of the Ancient world. Exploit the natural…