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- Tags: Pierre Trudeau
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Provocative Analysis of Canada's Problems
London, Ontario
A generally positive review on Desbarats's "Looking Forward in Anguish: Canada Lost, Canada Found". Craig praises Desbarats on his level of critical overview of the key points leading up to Canada's political environment during the…
A generally positive review on Desbarats's "Looking Forward in Anguish: Canada Lost, Canada Found". Craig praises Desbarats on his level of critical overview of the key points leading up to Canada's political environment during the…
A Declaration of Faith
Montreal, Quebec
A positive review on Desbarats's polemicist view on the national outlook of Canada. Zolf discusses the major points brought on through Desbarats's marshalled portrayal of the political situation within Canada - including the…
A positive review on Desbarats's polemicist view on the national outlook of Canada. Zolf discusses the major points brought on through Desbarats's marshalled portrayal of the political situation within Canada - including the…
The War Measures Act didn't help Quebec separatism after all
Ottawa, Ontario
Desbarats argues that separatist sentiments in Quebec, in the wake of the October Crisis, had not increased despite the argument put forward in a recently published book by Walter Stewart entitled “Shrug-Trudeau in Power.”
Desbarats argues that separatist sentiments in Quebec, in the wake of the October Crisis, had not increased despite the argument put forward in a recently published book by Walter Stewart entitled “Shrug-Trudeau in Power.”
One Year Later: Little Sign of Separatism's Growth
Montreal, Quebec
The same article as The War Measures Act didn’t help Quebec separatism after all, published just one day earlier in the Toronto Daily Star.
The same article as The War Measures Act didn’t help Quebec separatism after all, published just one day earlier in the Toronto Daily Star.
Canada Faces Russia Unsheltered by the United States
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin were to meet in Ottawa the following week. Desbarats saw this as a unique meeting because Canada was usually involved in more collective bargaining with Russia…
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin were to meet in Ottawa the following week. Desbarats saw this as a unique meeting because Canada was usually involved in more collective bargaining with Russia…
Trudeau Shirking Chance to Define Canada's Relationship with U.S.
Ottawa, Ontario
Desbarats felt that Trudeau was not being clear enough about Canada’s position with the United States in the face of recent import duties imposed by the United States. He argues that the mass media cannot properly convey the…
Desbarats felt that Trudeau was not being clear enough about Canada’s position with the United States in the face of recent import duties imposed by the United States. He argues that the mass media cannot properly convey the…
Pierre Elliott Trudeau: A Man Today
London, Ontario
Desbarats believed Trudeau was too good to be true as a politician and therefore, unfortunately, had a nowhere to go but down. He expounds on Trudeau’s solid education, ethnic background, linguistic ability, appearance, finances,…
Desbarats believed Trudeau was too good to be true as a politician and therefore, unfortunately, had a nowhere to go but down. He expounds on Trudeau’s solid education, ethnic background, linguistic ability, appearance, finances,…
Unique Canada' PM's Election Theme
Ottawa, Ontario
Discussed Pierre Trudeau’s election campaign, which stressed Canada’s uniqueness and superiority on the world stage. However, Desbarats believed this view may not be agreeable to Quebecers.
Discussed Pierre Trudeau’s election campaign, which stressed Canada’s uniqueness and superiority on the world stage. However, Desbarats believed this view may not be agreeable to Quebecers.
Tags: Cultural Identity, Election, Pierre Trudeau, Politics
Trudeau: In Search of a Hot Issue
Ottawa, Ontario
Desbarats discusses the major campaign topics of the NDP, Liberal and Social Credit parties. In his interactions with citizens across the country, while following the campaign, he believed a liberal majority seemed probable. The…
Desbarats discusses the major campaign topics of the NDP, Liberal and Social Credit parties. In his interactions with citizens across the country, while following the campaign, he believed a liberal majority seemed probable. The…
Tags: Canada, Election, Liberal, Pierre Trudeau, Political parties, Politics
Lewis on 'Cloud Nine' He's Now Firm Leader with Tax 'Bum' Issue
Toronto, Ontario
"From the time the federal election was called The Star’s Ottawa editor, Peter Desbarats, has crossed the country several times with the political leaders. Throughout his travels, he kept a notebook on the campaign. A series of…
"From the time the federal election was called The Star’s Ottawa editor, Peter Desbarats, has crossed the country several times with the political leaders. Throughout his travels, he kept a notebook on the campaign. A series of…
Tags: Liberal, NDP, Pierre Trudeau, Political parties, Politics
Featured Item
7 Wonders

Players: 2-7
Playing time: 30 minutes
Ages: 10+
Description: Lead one of the seven great cities of the Ancient world. Exploit the natural…