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  • Tags: Pierre Trudeau

Liberals Ready to Try Anything to Regain Power in the West

Vancouver, Bristish Columbia

The Liberal regional party conference in Vancouver was seen to potentially serve as a staring point for improved relations between the Liberal party and western Canada. Desbarats saw this as a risky move because it…

Lewis on 'Cloud Nine' He's Now Firm Leader with Tax 'Bum' Issue

Toronto, Ontario

"From the time the federal election was called The Star’s Ottawa editor, Peter Desbarats, has crossed the country several times with the political leaders. Throughout his travels, he kept a notebook on the campaign. A series of…

Canada Lost, Canada Found

A negative review on Desbarats's polemic book "Canada Lost, Canada Found". Sheppard describes Desbarats's work as taking a rather cold and bitter analystical mindset whilst probing at the collective conscientiousness of Canadians at first, before…

Canada Faces Russia Unsheltered by the United States

Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Russian Premier Alexei Kosygin were to meet in Ottawa the following week. Desbarats saw this as a unique meeting because Canada was usually involved in more collective bargaining with Russia…

A Declaration of Faith

Montreal, Quebec

A positive review on Desbarats's polemicist view on the national outlook of Canada. Zolf discusses the major points brought on through Desbarats's marshalled portrayal of the political situation within Canada - including the…