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  • Tags: Children's Fiction

At St. George's School

Peter Desbarats reads two of his children’s books to young students at St. George’s school, titled “The Cornflake Conspiracy” and “Gabrielle and Selina.”

Ghost Camp (Goosebumps series)
The 45th book in the Goosebumps series, this book follows brother Harry and Alex Altman in their adventures at Camp Spirit Moon, which their parents signed them up for last minute. As they are walking towards the camp it appears to be abandoned until…

Reluctantly Alice (Alice series)
Reluctantly Alice is the third book in the Alice series. The series follows Alice McKinely as she grows up in Silver Spring, Maryland with her dad and brother (her mom passed away when she was five). The Reluctantly Alice book sees Alice through the…

Daddy’s Roommate
This book was one of the first children's books to portray homosexuality in a positive light. It tells the story of one boys divorced father who now lives with his life partner. The two men do the same things heterosexual couples do such as take care…

Outside Over There
This book follows Ida who plays her horn for baby sister every night to get her to sleep while her father is away at sea. One night while she is playing her horn and not paying attention to the baby, goblins sneak in and steal the baby. When Ida…

In the Night Kitchen
A boy of about three years-old named Mickey, is awoken from his bed at night from a strange noise. Suddenly he begins to float, he loses his clothes, and he finds himself in a surreal world called the Night Kitchen. He falls into a giant mixing pot…

The Giver
The book starts in a seemingly Utopian world where there is no war, pain, suffering, or difference of choice. However, it becomes clear that society has given up all of its memories of the time before this "Sameness", and have also lost colour,…

And Tango Makes Three
This story is based on the two male penguins in New York's Central Park Zoo, Roy and Silo, who made a nest together but discovered neither of them could lay an egg. They watched the other penguins and tried to hatch a rock that looked like an egg.…

Lizzy’s Lion
This rhyming children's book is about a young girl, Lizzy, and the lion she keeps in her bedroom. When a robber sneaks in one night, the lion proceeds to eat him. Lizzy then wakes up to find bits of the robber strewn about her room. She and her lion…

The Adventures of Captain Underpants
This book follows the mischievous activities of fourth graders, George and Harold, as they pull numerous pranks at their school. They write a comic book about Captain Underpants and pull a series of practical jokes on the school's football team.…