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  • Tags: Quebec

This, Our Province

This, Our Province.jpg
Book review regarding The State of Quebec, Desbarats' commentary on the historical developments which gave rise to the province of Quebec.

The War Measures Act didn't help Quebec separatism after all

Ottawa, Ontario

Desbarats argues that separatist sentiments in Quebec, in the wake of the October Crisis, had not increased despite the argument put forward in a recently published book by Walter Stewart entitled “Shrug-Trudeau in Power.”

The Big Circus in the St. Lawrence: Canada's First World's Fair

Desbarats evaluates the pros and cons of the fair from both a fiscal and political standpoint. The article is incomplete (2 of 4 pages).

Social Credit Scents Power in Quebec

Ottawa, Ontario

Many of the Quebecers that Desbarats spoke with during the lead-up to the Quebec provincial election, seemed to feel that the Social Credit Party would win the election. The organization of the party's campaign seemed to be…

Real Caouette: Spellbinder From Quebec

St. John's, Nfld.

Profiles the life and rise to political power of Quebec’s Social Credit Party leader Real Caouette. Desbarats seems to be a fairly positive profile of Caouette.

One Year Later: Little Sign of Separatism's Growth

Montreal, Quebec

The same article as The War Measures Act didn’t help Quebec separatism after all, published just one day earlier in the Toronto Daily Star.

Helping To Enlighten The "Two Solitudes"

Montreal, Quebec

Gason's favourable review on Peter Desbarats book “The State of Quebec: A Journalist’s View of the Quiet Revolution.” Gascon views the work as intelligent and “well documented”, as well as noting that Desbarats understanding of…

Around the Town on 20 Cents-Lazy Historians' Way

Montreal, Quebec

Desbarats outlines a hypotheitcal, self-guided, tour on Montreal which he dubs the “20 cent tour.” He is somewhat sarcastic and comical in his design of the tour. It focuses on historical locations and building, many of which are…

Anniversary of a Crisis

Montreal, Quebec

A positive review on Desbarats' documentary on the Cross Kidnapping during the October Crisis. Descriptions on key elements of the programme are highlighted within the article - with MacDonald noting the effectiveness of…

A Must Tonight - the CBC Look at Separatism

Montreal, Quebec

A positive review of Desbarats’ CBC documentary entitled “Separatism- A Decade in Perspective.” It is described as being the first true, rather unbiased, look at Quebec separatism. It includes rare footage of the controversial…