Browse Items (14 total)

1992-12-19 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke discusses the gathering of the United Nations General Assembly on December 10th and two Indigenous leaders who were there to speak; Thomas Banyacya of the Hopi Nation and Oren Lyons of the Onondaga Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy. Dan…

1992-12-19 Segment 3.mp3
Mary Lou Smoke shares community announcements. Dan Smoke introduces a teaching from Bear Shaganash of the Walpole Island First Nations.

1993-07-17 Segment 2.mp3
Dan Smoke teaches listeners about the importance of understanding sweetgrass as a sacred medicine, and the important role it plays in Native cultures and traditions. After, Dan turns the conversation to the findings of Leonard Peltier’s third appeal.…

1994-01-08 Segment 1.mp3
Dan Smoke teaches listeners how to greet one another in the traditional way of the Ojibwe and Iroquois peoples. Dan then tells stories to teach listeners how each part of creation is unique, and those differences allow us to live in harmony with the…

1994-01-08 Segment 3.mp3
Dan Smoke recaps a week-long event that he and Mary Lou attended in Moraviantown, Ontario. At the event, [Adam Luciter], an Ojibwe from Red Lake, Minnesota, spoke about the Three B’s and the importance of carrying them into the future.

1996-03-16 Segment 3.mp3
Mary Lou shares an Ojibwe story about how moss was grown.

1997-02-07 Segment 2.mp3
Dan Smoke teaches listeners about the purpose of Midwinter Ceremonies, which acknowledge the fertility of Mother Earth and offer gratitude to the Creator for new life coming forth after the winter. After, Dan Smoke introduces a talk given by Jay…

1999-04-17 Segment 3.mp3
Dan Smoke reads a report regarding a partnership created between Indigenous Canadians and Americans, forged in an attempt to garner international attention around the conditions of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. After, Mary Lou Smoke reads an…
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