Browse Items (501 total)

Alfie: Alfie Gets in First
"A small boy reaches home just before his mother (and baby sister) and slams the door shut. The key is inside the house with Alfie, however, and a small excitement ensues. With elements of the cumulative tale - as neighbors and milkmen offer…

Alligator Pie
"The reissuing of the Canadian classic Alligator Pie should be celebrated. Dennis Lee's funny, rollicking collection of poems still has the power to entertain and brighten our lives with humour and home grown Canadian references.
The poems speak to…

An Allegiance Without Thought: Canada's Support of U.S. Military Action in Iraq has no Purpose

London, Ontario

In this article, Desbarats discusses his opinion on Canada's support of the United States' military involvement in Iraq. He cites Canada’s previous involvement in America’s invasion of Somalia as a complete and dangerous failure…

An Executive Ivory Tower

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Exhibit review and interview with artist Colin Hawort's one man show, at the Agnes Lefort Gallery in 1961.

And Tango Makes Three
This story is based on the two male penguins in New York's Central Park Zoo, Roy and Silo, who made a nest together but discovered neither of them could lay an egg. They watched the other penguins and tried to hatch a rock that looked like an egg.…

Anniversary of a Crisis

Montreal, Quebec

A positive review on Desbarats' documentary on the Cross Kidnapping during the October Crisis. Descriptions on key elements of the programme are highlighted within the article - with MacDonald noting the effectiveness of…

Apathy Greets the Inquiry Into October crisis

Montreal, Quebec

Written on location from Montreal. The Citizen’s Commission of Inquiry into the War Measures Act began in Ottawa on October 12th, 1971. Desbarats condemns the composition of the inquiry panel. He argued there were not enough…

Around the Town on 20 Cents-Lazy Historians' Way

Montreal, Quebec

Desbarats outlines a hypotheitcal, self-guided, tour on Montreal which he dubs the “20 cent tour.” He is somewhat sarcastic and comical in his design of the tour. It focuses on historical locations and building, many of which are…

Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel

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"Adapted from the fantasy book of the same name, this graphic novel is beautifully illustrated and should prove an enjoyable read to fans and newbies alike. Diabolical 12-year-old genius Artemis Fowl is troubled by his father's disappearance, his…

As Nasty as they Wanna Be
This is the third album by Miami bass group, 2 Live Crew. It was their best selling album but was later declared legally obscene in the United States, and was the first album to ever be declared so. The group later released the album "As Clean as…