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  • Tags: Politics

Liberals Ready to Try Anything to Regain Power in the West

Vancouver, Bristish Columbia

The Liberal regional party conference in Vancouver was seen to potentially serve as a staring point for improved relations between the Liberal party and western Canada. Desbarats saw this as a risky move because it…

Trudeau Takes a Crash Course in Politics

Vancouver, Bristish Columbia

As Desbarats explains, Trudeau’s rise to political power was extremely quick, therefore he did not have much political experience or a deep understanding of the way the Liberal party operated. Trudeau had since been…

Social Credit Scents Power in Quebec

Ottawa, Ontario

Many of the Quebecers that Desbarats spoke with during the lead-up to the Quebec provincial election, seemed to feel that the Social Credit Party would win the election. The organization of the party's campaign seemed to be…

Why are we in Viet Nam? Well,… er…

Ottawa, Ontario

Canada had joined the International Commission of Control and Supervision in Vietnam. Desbarats attributed Canada’s decision to join to both a genuine belief that the country could help mediate a truce as well as Canada's belief…

The Last Angry Man: In the Beginning They Were Five, Including Progessor Trudeau. Now There is One, Rene Levesque, Preparing for that One Final Battle

Toronto, Ontario

The magazine article profiles politician Rene Levesque and his political legacy. He was seen by a younger, less radical, more conservative, generation as part of an “ancient regime” but he still had some political tenacity left at…

The Central Issue is Respect for the Rule of Law

Kingston, Ontario

A select transcription of Desbarats's speech to the members of the Canadian Club in Kingston.

Minority Government's Life in Hazard Once Budget Presented to Commons

Minority Government's Life in Hazard Once Budget Presented to Commons.jpg
Discussions regarding the longevity of Trudeau's minority government, and its potential downfall following the future release of the budgetary report.

John Turner Has a Delicate Job

John Turner has a delicate job.jpg
Montreal, Quebec

Discussion on the financial issues surrounding the '72 national elections, particularly focusing on the economic disparity found within British Colombia's upper and lower classes.

Canada Lost, Canada Found

A negative review on Desbarats's polemic book "Canada Lost, Canada Found". Sheppard describes Desbarats's work as taking a rather cold and bitter analystical mindset whilst probing at the collective conscientiousness of Canadians at first, before…

The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America
Rich with dark and light, pain and magic, The Inconvenient Indian distills the insights gleaned from Thomas King's critical and personal meditation on what it means to be "Indian" in North America, weaving the curiously circular tale of the…