Browse Items (115 total)
- Collection: Peter Desbarats's Collection
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Time Runs Out On CBMT's Hourglass Tonight
Article discussing the potential cancellation of newcaster program The Hourglass - which Desbarats previously worked at.
Those anti-Kosygin Incidents: 'Cries From the Heart'
Montreal, Quebec
Letters to the editor, from readers in response to Desbarats' article on the anti-Kosygin protests in Canada, during the month of October 1971
Letters to the editor, from readers in response to Desbarats' article on the anti-Kosygin protests in Canada, during the month of October 1971
Desbarats Leaving Hourglass After Five Years
Discussion regarding Desbarat's history with the program, his plans after leaving the show, and the Hourglass's prospects for the future
Desbarats Leaving CBMT's Hourglass
A brief article on Debarats' departure from CBMT's newcaster program
This, Our Province
Book review regarding The State of Quebec, Desbarats' commentary on the historical developments which gave rise to the province of Quebec.
Tags: About Desbarats, Book Review, History, Non-fiction, Quebec
U.S. Example an Ominous Warning to Canadian Educators
Desbarats discusses the current trends in education teachings, found within journalism schools across North America - noting that possible risks associated with simply teaching the technical aspects of journalism, as opposed to providing a nurturing…
Tags: Commentary, Education, Journalism, Journalism History
The Central Issue is Respect for the Rule of Law
Kingston, Ontario
A select transcription of Desbarats's speech to the members of the Canadian Club in Kingston.
A select transcription of Desbarats's speech to the members of the Canadian Club in Kingston.
Government Betrayed Me, Says Distinguished Author
Kingston, Ontario
Hogben's article describes Desbarats's criticism on the pepper spraying incident at the APEC meeting in Vancouver, as well as the Canadian government's victimization of its citizens, expressed during the Canadian Club in…
Hogben's article describes Desbarats's criticism on the pepper spraying incident at the APEC meeting in Vancouver, as well as the Canadian government's victimization of its citizens, expressed during the Canadian Club in…
1 - Desbarats The Academic Journalist
2 - Desbarats at Centre of Storm
London, Ontario
(Features two articles)
1 - Zych's interview with Desbarats discusses how he arrived to this position as Dean of UWO's School of Journalism, his impressions and revelations whilst working at UWO, while also discussing some of the…
(Features two articles)
1 - Zych's interview with Desbarats discusses how he arrived to this position as Dean of UWO's School of Journalism, his impressions and revelations whilst working at UWO, while also discussing some of the…
Great City? Not Even Close, Critic Says
London, Ontario
Martin's interview with Desbarats, on his opinion of London's infrastructure and city culture as a new resident of the city. The article goes on, at great length about the level of dullness that the downtown district has - as well…
Martin's interview with Desbarats, on his opinion of London's infrastructure and city culture as a new resident of the city. The article goes on, at great length about the level of dullness that the downtown district has - as well…
Featured Item
7 Wonders

Players: 2-7
Playing time: 30 minutes
Ages: 10+
Description: Lead one of the seven great cities of the Ancient world. Exploit the natural…